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What's this game?

"Ishido" (the Way of Stones) is said to be a game designed in 1990 by the creator of the puzzle game "Shang-Hai". In Japan,it was released on the Famicom (NES) and Game Boy.

This is a puzzle game where you place 72 stones on a board of 8 squares horizontally and 12 squares vertically and compete for the number of points you can get.

(Reference: Explanation by wikipedia)

In the initial state, 4 stones are placed at the four corners of the board, and 2 stones are placed in the center. Remaining stones can be placed adjacent to existing stones and meeting the following rules:

adjacent to 1 stone (1 way)
matching colors or patterns.
adjacent to 2 stones (2 ways)
One stone matches the color and the other stone matches the pattern.
adjacent to 3 stones (3 ways)
The color matches one stone, and the pattern matches the other two stones. or Two stones match in color and one remaining stone matches in pattern.
adjacent to 4 stones (4 ways)
Two stones match in color and the other two stones match in pattern.


You can get the following points depending on where you place the stone.

When placed on the outer periphery of the board
No score.
1 way.
1 point.
2 ways.
2 points.
3 ways.
4 points.
4 ways.
8 points and additional bonus.

If you complete 4ways, the following bonus points will be added each time you complete 4ways.

  1. 25 points.
  2. 50 points.
  3. 100 points.
  4. 200 points.
  5. 400 points.
  6. 600 points.
  7. 800 points.
  8. 1000 points.
  9. 5000 points.
  10. 10000 points.
  11. 25000 points.
  12. 50000 points.

Privacy policy

This application does not send or receive any information, including personal information, to external parties. High score saved in-game is saved in the browser's WebStorage. The game does not sends this information to the server, but depending on browser specifications it may be shared with other devices of the same user (e.g. Google Account or Microsoft Account)

If you want to delete the information recorded by this game, delete all saved contents related to the website "" from the browser settings screen.


This game

This game can be played for free. The source code is publicly available, so you can modify it and play locally, but it is not open source.

Source code is published at the following location. (

Resources and libraries used in this game are licensed under the following conditions:


The implementation of this game uses the "Phaser3" game engine. (

Phaser3 is under the MIT license. (

Sound Resources

The sound effects use resources published on "the Match Makers 2nd (ザ・マッチメイカァズ2nd)". (

Terms of Use are published below (written in Japanese) (